Boise Cascade is actively engaged in all three of the most prominent forest certification programs in North America, which we believe we get the most benefit from: the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®), Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™).
All of our primary production facilities are certified to SFI standards for both “Fiber Sourcing” and “Chain-of-Custody” ensuring National Association of State Foresters (NASF) Best Management Practices (BMPs).
We use trained logging professionals in all types of harvest purchases, including those associated with small, non-industrial landowners who often do not have the support of trained professional foresters.
At each of our primary and secondary manufacturing facilities adhering to the SFI Chain-of-Custody Standard provides for: control of fiber inputs, verification of non-controversial sources, and a variety of product claims and label options regarding certified sourcing that we can offer to our customers.
Find SFI certificates for our wood product manufacturing locations.
At our facilities in locations where there are FSC certified forests, we’ve implemented the FSC Chain-of-Custody and Controlled Wood standards. These offer additional requirements that control the inputs of raw material, reduces the risk of mixing and enables mitigation of controversial sources. Additionally, the “controlled wood” standard requires an extensive set of due-diligence requirements and detailed risk assessment. Through the FSC standards we can provide a unique set of product claims and on-product label options.
See which of our building materials distribution facilities or wood-product manufacturing locations have FSC certification certificates.
All of Boise Cascade’s manufacturing facilities are certified to the PEFC Chain-of-Custody standard, which has its own distinct set of procurement, tracking, and risk assessment steps. This is a global certification standard that is important to our customers who export their products to countries outside of North America.
Find PEFC certificates for our wood product manufacturing locations